
Freshman Follows a Music 和 Engineering Path to Medicine


十大玩彩信誉平台 student Paul Nguyen at a piano at Laidlaw Performing Arts Center on campus. data-lightbox =“特色”
Paul Nguyen is studying 音乐 和 电气工程 at the University of 南 阿拉巴马州. “After studying all day, 音乐 helps me release all 的. 这绝对是 freeing, but if you want to play at a high level, you have 集中. 有 纪律严明,”他说.

#FreshmanFocus is a series of stories on incoming students at the University of 南 阿拉巴马州.

Paul Nguyen grew up in Beaverton, Oregon, just outside Portl和, so he thought he 可能会在西海岸学习工程学.

Instead, he crossed the country to enroll at the 十大玩彩信誉平台. 他是 医学预科生,双学位是 音乐电气工程.

Nguyen never visited Mobile before coming to 南, so he’s still adjusting to the 文化与气候.

“I knew it would be hot 和 humid, but I didn’t know it would rain so much,” he said. “There was a lot of rain in Portl和, but it’s different – cold 和 miserable. 甚至 雨文化是不同的. 那里没人带伞. 他们都穿着雨衣 夹克.”

After Nguyen’s mother, Teresa Tran, immigrated from Vietnam, she lived in Mobile 和 获得了 数学与统计学 1990年从南方来. That connection led to his college choice, especially after a 音乐节目试镜成功.

“南 offered me some good financial aid, but it really came down to my mom graduating 从这里开始,”他说. “She was the one who told me about 南 阿拉巴马州. 她喜欢 让我去她信任的机构.”

Were you nervous about your piano audition for 南?

“I’m always a little nervous before a performance. 因为那是在线的,一个极速电话, 我开始弹自己的钢琴,这对我很有帮助. 我想我弹的是贝多芬的《十大信誉彩票平台》 奏鸣曲和拉威尔的奏鸣曲.’”


“肯定是更忙了. I don’t know that it’s harder, but you do have to train yourself 在时间管理方面. I came from a really competitive high school, Westview High School, 和 we had a lot of Advanced Placement classes, so I was able to start college in 微积分三世.”


 “我听一些韩国流行音乐,一个叫DPR的组合. 有时,我和我的朋友,我玩 videogame, Teamfight Tactics, which is a spinoff from League of Legends. 这就像 a board game on a computer, 和 you try to make a team to fight other boards. 我认为 I reached the top 800 players on the continent.

“高中时,我游泳. 在这里,我在学生运动中心游泳. 我过去常做3000码的锻炼. 现在,我试着跑一英里. 到了晚上, pool is 开放 until 8, if I get out of class in time.”

Have you gotten a chance to try Mobile culture 和 cuisine?

“我去过佛罗里达州彭萨科拉的一个海滩. 我有一个饮食计划,所以我通常吃 在自助餐厅. And I’ve got a pressure cooker in my residence hall. 用旺火炒的菜,基本上. 米饭、鸡蛋和酱油. I like to let the soy sauce evaporate so it soaks into the 米饭,你会得到烟熏味.”

You’re studying 音乐 和 电气工程. 它们是完全不同的吗 非常相似?

“我觉得他们是不同的. Sitting down to do math or STEM homework is different 从坐在钢琴前. After studying all day, 音乐 helps me release all 的. 这绝对是 freeing, but if you want to play at a high level, you have 集中. 我不是为了好玩而玩. 这里有很多纪律.”


“When I was in high school, I found it kind of hard to practice. 我可能会玩 每天一小时. Now that I’m here, once I’m in the practice room, I can crank out three 小时,轻松. 这就像是一种不同的心态.”

你打算去读医学院? 你想要什么样的医生 be?

“I have a lot of family in radiology, so I’m looking at that, but I’m keeping my options 开放. 看到我喜欢的东西.”




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